Starr Quoted in the Business Insurance Magazine
February 14th, 2014
On January 28, 2014, the Business Insurance magazine published an article entitled: "States taking aim at workplace bullying". In the article, author Matt Dunning quotes Joseph A. Starr as follows:
"Mounting awareness by employers and the public in general of the prevalence and potentially harmful effects of workplace bullying could make the difference for lawmakers in 11 states seeking passage of anti-bullying legislation this year.
However, panelists warned that such legislation—depending on its exact wording—would expand anti-workplace bias and harassment rules beyond existing protected classes to include essentially all employees, leaving employers considerably more vulnerable to litigation.
'Employers and (employment practice liability insurance) underwriters should be very concerned about any of this legislation being passed, at least in its current form,' said Joseph Starr, a partner at Starr, Butler, Alexopoulos & Stoner P.L.L.C. in Southfield, Mich. 'It would basically create an unlimited protected class for discrimination and harassment claims, and it would make it pretty easy for any employee to bring an action against their employer.'
Panelists noted that employees victimized by workplace bullying can already pursue legal action against their employers as well as individual perpetrators for a range of offenses that do not necessitate elements of bias, including defamation, infliction of emotional distress, negligent hiring or supervision, criminal assault and/or battery, retaliation stemming from a criminal complaint and public policy claims."
To view the entire article, go to the following link:|70|339|80|87|303#1
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